
Presentation No.2

Reflection on Presentation No.2
1. Preparation/Rehearsal
I simulated in my mind what to say on each slide, but did not write down because I thought I would get disturbed by the script and not being able to focus on the other aspects. However, my simulation was not enough that I forgot what to say many times during the presentation.
2. Content / Overall Impression
I think I got the attention of the audience when I used my bad example, but as everybody suggested, I should have focused more on the solution and not focusing too much on the examples.
3. Voice
I think I speak clearer and used emphasis than last presentation, but still it was a little hard to listen when I saw the video.
4. Body Language
I tried to use more body language than last time and I think it improved. But there were many unnecessary moves as well, such as touching the watch, and repeating the same gesture too much.
5. Visuals
I think I did well on choosing the visuals. I tried to make it easy as possible to understand, and tried not to use much images on one slide

Goals for Further Presentation
Next time I will try to not only simulate in my mind but actually practice in front of the mirror. Even though it would not be exactly the same in the real presentation, going it through once will help me to know which part I am not well prepared.
I will also try to use clearer voice and try not to make unnecessary body gesture.

9 件のコメント:

  1. Things I liked!:
    - Interesting choice of images! And I also liked your sincerity...! Very good management of Q&A time.

    - Maybe you could have focused more on the "Solution" section rather than on the bad example or embed some of the bad example within the "Solution" part so that it becomes more organised.

  2. Good coice of images! Sorry for laughing hard when you honestlly confessed that you didnt use those tips for preparating this presentation...

    Suggestions: Maybe you didn't need to take so much time for explainig bad examples. Could have been focused more on how to finish HW on time.

  3. Nice and funny well selected pictures!! And your honest confession made your presentation persuasive! We all cannot forget 3 steps!!!hahaha

    Suggestions:YOu could spend more time on your "how to" points rather than spending time on your bad examples.

  4. The overall impression I got was that the presentation itself went really smooth and funny! I liked the visuals (the funny face! haha) and giving the actual experiences.

    suggestions: as everyone above is saying, spend more time on solution part! lol

  5. Things I liked:
    Your "story" was so nice to emphasis your presentation. In my opinion, everything on presentation should have the story in order to attract audiences and you really accomplished the task.

    Your story, I mean the first part, was too impressive for me so your main content, the second part, was not so impressive as well as the first. That is, my comment is same as above :-)

  6. Overall Impression:
    Nice use of visuals throughout the presetation. They were very unique and humorous;but at the same time, helped me understand the context even better.
    Try doing what you said in your presentation to make your presentation even better.

  7. I liked the visuals you have used...
    The picture of the baby when you talked about "start early" is still stuck in my head!
    I liked how you have chosen a topic that you are struggling to accomplish, and it was easy to relate to.

    Suggestions: Be a little bit more concise on what you want to say!Focus on the solution.

  8. Things I liked:
    good visuals, saying bad examples made the audience feel they had the same experince and want to give it a try.

    It could be better if you said things that you achieved in doing to make the audience follow your words as well.

  9. Hi Matt,

    I thought your topic was excellent and your How to solutions of starting early, listing and scheduling are all practical.

    Things I liked:

    1) Excellent voice and gestures -- Relaxed (too relaxed?), interactive, and plenty of eye contact. Good choice on having no script to read. I want all other students to try that.

    2) Good use of your own case as a bad example --In an paradoxical way, that builds credibility and helps the audience relate to you. Stories like that are very powerful. Hope you continue to use them.

    3) Nice visuals throughout. Almost all images helped build an impression. (Maybe not the Bush list...but your classmates probably didn't get that.)

    4) Nice previewing of 3 solutions in that section.


    1) A little more energy and rhythm in your voice may have been more effective for this topic--especially in the solutions part. Give it a try for the final.

    2) In the conclusion, repeating the key points would have been a good addition. Instead of "So, these are solutions." say "So, in concluding, I hope you remember to Start Early..."

    3) Small point: "Is there any questions" -> Are there...
