
Presentation No.3

Reflection on Presentation No.3

a) The process of preparation and rehearsal:
Our group did 2 group works and we made suggestions to each others slides and script. We also collected a lot of information by primary and secondary sources. We interviewed one of the leader of the Hope for Haiti icu, and I personally did a lot interviews to the members of the organization.
I did a lot of rehearsal on my part of the presentation, so that I could speak naturally without looking at the script. This was my goal for this presentation so I am satisfied.

b) The effectiveness of the introduction:
At the introduction of our group presentation we showed a video so that people who are watching could see what is going in Haiti and this made people emotionally moved and made it easier to understand why they actually need the help.
At my part of introduction, I started with the question, "How can we help them?" I think this caught the audience's attention and it was effective.

c) The persuasiveness and organization of the content in the body:
First, we showed how desperately Haiti needs help and reached to the audience's emotion. Second, we introduced an organization that can help Haiti and improve the society, and explained how it is effective to make a change. Finally, we showed the credibility of the organization. This structure made the presentation logical and persuasive.

d) The conclusion and Q&A:
The conclusion made it clear the short term effect and the long term effect of the donation. It made the ending persuasive.
The Q&A part was OK. We could answer all of the questions and confirmed if we hed answered the questions they asked.

e) Use of visuals:
Almost all of the slides had some kind of visuals and connected to the contents so that I think it was easy to understand. Especially, visualizing the short term effect and long term effect of the investment to the organization was very effective and persuasive.

f) Body language: Eye contact, facial expression, gestures, and posture:
I think I improved a lot on Eye contact, gestures and postures. Since I prepared a lot compared to Presentation No.2, I could focused to the audience much more.

g) Use of voice:
I tried to speak clearly as much as I can because my natural voice it not that easy to listen to. And I think I achieved my goal. My partner told me that my voice was clearer than last time.

h) Future Goals:
Although I improved a lot compared to the last presentation, there are many things I have to work on. I have to speak more clearly, use visuals more effective, make more eye-contacts with the audience, and so on. I want to be a more sophisticated speaker.

3 件のコメント:

  1. write your impressions and good points of his/her group's presentation and individual presenting, and at least two suggestions.
    Overall, I thought your group presentation was well organized and presuasive. The slides were simply made and easy to see. But the most impressive part was the Q & A. Everyone in the group answered each question with confidence and to the point. For Matt's indivisual presenting, I thought you did well...as usual. You said you did not remember most of the script but you did not even look at the script once. Moreover, you sounded very professional without hesitating; it was simply impressive.
    Maybe you can emphasize more on the main points to strengthen your speak even better and PRACTICE!! You already have great presentation skills, especially body language and Q & A, so if you brush up a little by doing the two things I just mentioned, you wou become a lot better.

  2. Hi Matt,

    I felt your group was very successful in communicating your message that the people in Haiti are in urgent need of short and long-term assistance, that funds are lacking, and that a donation through Help for Haiti ICU would be used responsibly and also contribute to developing global awareness and social activism among ICU students. The presentation was very nicely organized and delivered. The visuals supported your message well.

    Your Good Points:

    -Great content explaining the activities of the ICU organization, how people can buy T-shirts, and how the money could be used.
    -Excellent, excellent voice. Clear, sincere, and articulate. Good gestures too.
    -Great choice to not use notes. Your message was delivered very passionately as a result.


    -Don't forget to transition to Naoko. Sum up your part, and introduce what she will talk about.

    -Instead of "Please donate us" I would use a phrase such as "We would greatly need your support."

    -In Q&A, repeat or paraphrase the question one time before answering it. That not only makes sure you understood the question, but also helps other members of the audience understand the question, and also gives you time to think about how you will answer it concisely.

    Nice work on this presentation and good luck in future presentations!


  3. Also, I hope I can buy a T-shirt or wrist band! -Mark
