
Presentation No.2

Reflection on Presentation No.2
1. Preparation/Rehearsal
I simulated in my mind what to say on each slide, but did not write down because I thought I would get disturbed by the script and not being able to focus on the other aspects. However, my simulation was not enough that I forgot what to say many times during the presentation.
2. Content / Overall Impression
I think I got the attention of the audience when I used my bad example, but as everybody suggested, I should have focused more on the solution and not focusing too much on the examples.
3. Voice
I think I speak clearer and used emphasis than last presentation, but still it was a little hard to listen when I saw the video.
4. Body Language
I tried to use more body language than last time and I think it improved. But there were many unnecessary moves as well, such as touching the watch, and repeating the same gesture too much.
5. Visuals
I think I did well on choosing the visuals. I tried to make it easy as possible to understand, and tried not to use much images on one slide

Goals for Further Presentation
Next time I will try to not only simulate in my mind but actually practice in front of the mirror. Even though it would not be exactly the same in the real presentation, going it through once will help me to know which part I am not well prepared.
I will also try to use clearer voice and try not to make unnecessary body gesture.

My goals for Presentation NO.2

Purpose - Teach everybody, and especially ME how to finish their HW on time. I suppose many of the students sometimes cannot submit their HW on time. I am ALWAYS late on time. So I would like everybody to be able to stop making excuses to their teachers and start finishing their job on time.

Audience - My teacher Marc and the 8 classmates in the AEP class at ICU.

Logistics - 5 min. max + short Q&A with the slides with visuals and keywords.


: It grabbed my attention when she talked about the irony that the problem she grapples is "defining" poverty. It made me think of how I define poverty.

Credibility: She says in the beginning that she has been working on issues of poverty for 20 years. This shows this woman's credibility.

Topic: She gives the topic of this presentation, "poverty" in the very beginning and it was very easy to understand.

Preview of Points: She didn't gave her points in the beginning, but she actually did not have many points.
Presentation No.1 Reflections and Self-Analysis
First of all, I did not set a goal clearly before I started my presentation. I really felt that setting goals before the presentation is very important. I often lost my way during I was speaking.

1. Successfully achieved purpose / main message?

Reflection: I wanted to convey my passion on the importance of creating the opportunity for Israeli and Palestinian students to meet each other. I think I okay but not perfect.

Ideas for Improvement: It could be better if I explained more about how conference influenced the participants, not just talking about background knowledge on the issue

2. Use of voice? (rhythm, emphasis, pausing, variation)

Reflection: I was not speaking clearly at all. It sounds like I am sleepy.

Ideas for Improvement: I should speak louder and clearer. I have to work on the emphasis and the rhythm too.

3. Use of body language? (posture, gestures, eyes, face)

Reflection: I was using body language, but most of it was the same.

Ideas for Improvement: I want to be able to use different gestures, and also facial expressions.

4. Use of visuals?

Reflection: I think I did well on using visuals by using simple visuals. But maybe it was hard to understand about the issue on that map.

Ideas for Improvement: I have to choose a better map or graph to describe the details. Also I think I can put in more words.

5. Preparation & rehearsal process?

Reflection: NOT ENOUGH. I got a little bit nervous and lost my way few times. Also I was not managing my time.

Ideas for Improvement: Do rehearsal at least few times before give a presentation. Going it through from beginning to end will make you analyze the thoughts.